Saturday 5 August 2017

Bruce Fights TTP

I am patient of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) 

TTP is a rare autoimmune blood disorder. The blood becomes sticky and forms clots in blood vessels throughout the body. The clots are made of platelets. Since the platelets are used for the clots, they are not available to stop bleeding. Normal platelets are 150 to 450 thousand. In my case, platelets have been measured as low as 9 thousand. 

TTP can be treated with a 95 per cent success rate by stopping the autoimmune disorder and cleaning the blood plasma with plasma apheresis. Without treatment, TTP is 90 per cent fatal as complications can result from internal blood clotting with damage to critical organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys.
TTP impacts about 3-4 people in one million. In many cases it is known to be associated with another condition, but about 50% of the time the cause is unknown. In my case I have Idiopathic TTP with no known cause. 

I am actually a chronic patient of TTP with occurrences in 2012, 2014 and now 2017. I can expect recurrences every 2 to 3 years or perhaps if lucky, will never be impacted again. I just don’t know.

For now, I have to expect recurrences and be prepared to react. I need to watch for a combination of signs such as eye floaters, dark urine, lower back pain, headaches, petechiae and soft bruising. Once detected, then an immediate blood test may show the platelets have dropped and TTP has recurred. 

As a chronic patient of TTP, I have decided to start a lifelong campaign called Bruce Fights TTP. The goal is to provide information about TTP, encourage blood donation and raise charitable funds to help find answers as to why TTP occurs and how to prevent repeat occurrences. 

Charitable giving will be performed through the Answering T.P.P. Foundation which is the leading TTP charitable organization in North America. 

I'm looking forward to making a difference.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce - Thanks for sharing this. In the off-season, I would be happy to donate my time if you wanted to organize a BBQ Fundraiser of sorts. Let's discuss in the late Fall if this is of interest. Keep fighting! - John T
